What is this Web Site?

This is the web site of MGT0, a new nonprofit organization that specializes in providing the highest quality training while solving problems that help the greater good in Bloomington, IN.

High quality training is anchored in authentic real world problems. Many organizations that serve the greater good have many authentic real world problems that need solving. At MGT0, we match training needs with the needs of organizations that serve the greater good.

Who is MGT0?

We are a network of Instructional Design, Information Technology, and Project Management professionals who want to apply our skills in a way that helps local organizations who are trying to advance and improve our world.

Why is MGT0 a Nonprofit?

Our mission is not to make money, all our profits go back into the communities in which we work. Our mission is to have a significant and positive impact through our clients. In other words, we want to have an impact that is: